• Everyone Calls You Amazing But I Just Call You Mine

    Everyone Calls You Amazing But I Just Call You Mine,The Republican Governors Association announced this morning that Tim Pawlenty will serve as the organization’s vice chair, the latest indication that the Minnesota governor is stepping up his national profile in advance of a likely presidential run in 2012.
    Gov. Haley Barbour (Miss.), the RGA’s chairman, praised Pawlenty as a “leader in the effort to grow the Republican Party beyond our traditional base while remaining true to our principles” and noted that Tpaw has cracked the code in getting elected (and re-elected) in a “purple state”.
    For his part, Tpaw said that “electing fiscally responsible governors is the most important task facing our party between now and the end of 2010.”
    The vice chair slot came open when Barbour ascended to the chairmanship following the resignation — and political implosion — of Gov. Mark Sanford (S.C.) who was once seen as a 2012 candidate in his own right.
    The announcement comes just days before Pawlenty is scheduled to address the Republican National Committee meeting in San Diego — a speech being cast by his allies as a coming-out party of sorts.
    Pawlenty’s new role affords him several potential advantages as he looks ahead to 2012.
    First, with 39 governors races up between now and next November, Pawlenty will have a chance (and a reason) to build relationships with a slew of candidates who could be helpful to him if they are elected in 2009 and 2010.
    Second, as vice chair, Pawlenty will be able to broaden out his donor network nationally — a critical piece of the puzzle for any aspiring presidential candidate, particularly one who will have to face President Barack Obama (and the $750 million he raised in 2008) i November 2012.
    Pawlenty allies cast the move in contrast to the resignation of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Sunday — pointing out that while she is stepping down, Pawlenty is stepping up to help the party. True — to an extent — but also evidence of just how much Palin is regarded as a prime mover within the party at the moment.
    Regardless, Pawlenty’s increased level of activity on the national stage shows that he is moving toward a candidacy in 2012 — joining former Massachusetts GovEveryone Calls You Amazing But I Just Call You Mine,The Republican Governors Association announced this morning that Tim Pawlenty will serve as the organization’s vice chair, the latest indication that the Minnesota governor is stepping up his national profile in advance of a likely presidential run in 2012.
    Gov. Haley Barbour (Miss.), the RGA’s chairman, praised Pawlenty as a “leader in the effort to grow the Republican Party beyond our traditional base while remaining true to our principles” and noted that Tpaw has cracked the code in getting elected (and re-elected) in a “purple state”.
    For his part, Tpaw said that “electing fiscally responsible governors is the most important task facing our party between now and the end of 2010.”
    The vice chair slot came open when Barbour ascended to the chairmanship following the resignation — and political implosion — of Gov. Mark Sanford (S.C.) who was once seen as a 2012 candidate in his own right.
    The announcement comes just days before Pawlenty is scheduled to address the Republican National Committee meeting in San Diego — a speech being cast by his allies as a coming-out party of sorts.
    Pawlenty’s new role affords him several potential advantages as he looks ahead to 2012.
    First, with 39 governors races up between now and next November, Pawlenty will have a chance (and a reason) to build relationships with a slew of candidates who could be helpful to him if they are elected in 2009 and 2010.
    Second, as vice chair, Pawlenty will be able to broaden out his donor network nationally — a critical piece of the puzzle for any aspiring presidential candidate, particularly one who will have to face President Barack Obama (and the $750 million he raised in 2008) i November 2012.
    Pawlenty allies cast the move in contrast to the resignation of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Sunday — pointing out that while she is stepping down, Pawlenty is stepping up to help the party. True — to an extent — but also evidence of just how much Palin is regarded as a prime mover within the party at the moment.
    Regardless, Pawlenty’s increased level of activity on the national stage shows that he is moving toward a candidacy in 2012 — joining former Massachusetts GovEveryone Calls You Amazing But I Just Call You Mine,The Republican Governors Association announced this morning that Tim Pawlenty will serve as the organization’s vice chair, the latest indication that the Minnesota governor is stepping up his national profile in advance of a likely presidential run in 2012.
    Gov. Haley Barbour (Miss.), the RGA’s chairman, praised Pawlenty as a “leader in the effort to grow the Republican Party beyond our traditional base while remaining true to our principles” and noted that Tpaw has cracked the code in getting elected (and re-elected) in a “purple state”.
    For his part, Tpaw said that “electing fiscally responsible governors is the most important task facing our party between now and the end of 2010.”
    The vice chair slot came open when Barbour ascended to the chairmanship following the resignation — and political implosion — of Gov. Mark Sanford (S.C.) who was once seen as a 2012 candidate in his own right.
    The announcement comes just days before Pawlenty is scheduled to address the Republican National Committee meeting in San Diego — a speech being cast by his allies as a coming-out party of sorts.
    Pawlenty’s new role affords him several potential advantages as he looks ahead to 2012.
    First, with 39 governors races up between now and next November, Pawlenty will have a chance (and a reason) to build relationships with a slew of candidates who could be helpful to him if they are elected in 2009 and 2010.
    Second, as vice chair, Pawlenty will be able to broaden out his donor network nationally — a critical piece of the puzzle for any aspiring presidential candidate, particularly one who will have to face President Barack Obama (and the $750 million he raised in 2008) i November 2012.
    Pawlenty allies cast the move in contrast to the resignation of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Sunday — pointing out that while she is stepping down, Pawlenty is stepping up to help the party. True — to an extent — but also evidence of just how much Palin is regarded as a prime mover within the party at the moment.
    Regardless, Pawlenty’s increased level of activity on the national stage shows that he is moving toward a candidacy in 2012 — joining former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the “almost certain to run” category.source:voices.washingtonpost.com


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